
Title: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Samuel's Journey and the Role of Enerda Donors Introduction: In a world where education is often hailed as the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, the story of Samuel, a 16-year-old adolescent, stands out as a testament to the transformative power of support. Living with his parents and twin siblings, Samuel recently transitioned from grade 6 to 7, marking a crucial stage in his life. However, his family faces significant challenges, including his father's inability to work due to age and his mother's efforts to generate income through daily labor work. Despite these obstacles, Samuel's educational journey has been sustained, thanks to the generous sponsorship from the donors of Enerda. The Importance of Continued Support: Samuel's situation underscores the critical juncture he finds himself in. While the young teen has successfully moved up a grade, the financial strain on his family is palpable. With his father unable to con
Title: Empowering Maeza: A Call for Support in the Streets of Addis Ababa Introduction: In the bustling streets of Addis Ababa, a 12-year-old girl named Maeza faces the challenges of balancing her education and the harsh realities of life in present-day Ethiopia. Currently attending 6th grade, Maeza and her mother navigate a world where survival hinges on the success of a small business selling goods. As they teeter on the edge of sustainability, Maeza's education becomes a beacon of hope. However, her mother needs assistance to upgrade their modest business, ensuring not only their survival but also Maeza's continued education during this crucial stage of her life. Maeza's Struggle for Education: Maeza's story mirrors the struggles of countless young individuals in similar circumstances. Despite the hardships, she diligently attends 6th grade, recognizing the transformative power of education. However, the fragility of their financial situation poses a significant thre
  Title: A Beacon of Hope: Abel's Struggle and the Power of Enerda's Sponsorship Introduction: In the heart of a challenging situation, 16-year-old Abel Ayalew stands resilient in his pursuit of education despite the formidable obstacles he faces. Living in Ethiopia, Abel is currently in grade 9, navigating the tumultuous journey of adolescence with his mother and little sister. Their family is caught in a horrifying situation where the basic necessity of food is a daily struggle. Abel's mother, due to health reasons, is unable to work, leaving the family in a vulnerable position. Yet, amidst these hardships, they find a ray of hope in the form of Enerda's sponsorship, made possible by the generosity of donors like you. Abel's story sheds light on the transformative impact of continued assistance and the crucial role it plays in their survival. The Unseen Struggle: Abel's family is grappling with a situation that goes beyond the ordinary challenges of daily life
   Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: A Call to Action by Enarda In the bustling heart of Addis Ababa, Enarda continues its unwavering commitment to work alongside the incredible individuals at Abune Zena Markos Children’s and Elderly Support Association and Yenegat Berhan Charity Association. Together, we are on a mission to break the cycle of poverty and provide relief to the children and women who face unimaginable hardships. A Plea for Support We find ourselves at a critical juncture where the challenges faced by the children and women of Addis Ababa are overwhelming. Yet, we refuse to stand idly by. Our plea to you is simple but profound: we cannot achieve our goals without your continued support. Consider this - what we spend on a single meal here has the power to feed a family for an entire week in Addis Ababa. The cost of a casual evening out for us could be the lifeline that gets a child through an entire year. This is not an exaggeration; these are the stark realities faced by ou
Some pictures to show what your donations are providing.